Business News | Jul 23, 2010

Element Labs Kelvin TILE wins awards at NAB

Element Labs is proud to announce that its Kelvin TILE – the first broad spectrum variable color LED light designed specifically for the motion picture and television industry - is the recipient of two major awards at NAB 2008: the Vidy Award and the STAR Award (Superior Technology Award Recipient).

The Vidy Awards—the longest running NAB awards program—recognize outstanding achievement in the advancement of the art and science of video technology. For a product to be awarded a Vidy Award, it must be a new product, receive a unanimous vote of the judges and have a significant relevance to the Videography readership.

The second award allocated to the Kelvin TILE – the STAR Award (for Superior Technology Award Recipient) is designed to celebrate and showcase the preeminent technological innovations available to the media industry.

About Kelvin TILE:
The revolutionary Kelvin TILE’s proprietary six color mix (red/green/blue and cyan/orange/white) offers the best color response of any LED-based lighting unit on the market, making it an excellent choice for illuminating skin tone and other color-critical lighting applications. Kelvin LED technology provides consistent, stable settings with no color shift during warm-up or while dimming the fixture.

A versatile addition to any lighting package, the Kelvin TILE can select any color temperature between 2,200K and 6,500K. Peak power consumption of 75 watts guarantees a cool running fixture and the option of running the unit from a variety of power sources including 110-220 VAC, 11-30 VDC or a standard V-mount camera battery.

The Kelvin TILE is easily controllable as a stand-alone unit, or can be used with the optional Kelvin Paintbox to access advanced features such as green/magenta control, Digital Gelling and special effects. Settings can be stored, recalled and ”cloned” across multiple fixtures.

The one foot-square TILE can be used on its own as a soft light, or can be ganged together with other units to create a larger light source controlled from a single control point using a Kelvin Paintbox or any standard DMX lighting controller.

About Element Labs:
Element Labs, Inc., headquartered in Silicon Valley, California with offices in Germany and the UK, is a global leader in design, manufacturing, and support of cutting-edge LED video technology to the entertainment, architectural, and signage industries. Their award-winning products and customized solutions give designers the freedom to innovate and realize their creative visions. For more product information, please visit:
