Products, Materials + Tools | Mar 06, 2013

WEPESIL Silicone Casting Resin VT 3602 KK for High Power LEDs

Withstanding high optical temperatures of up to 150 °C, the colourless and crystal-clear WEPESIL silicone casting resin VT 3602 KK is suitable for a use in optoelectronics, in particular when it comes to coating high power LEDs. Even when applied in high layers or when exposed to long-term thermal stress, this solvent-free 2-pack silicone elastomer displays a very high transparency in the entire wavelength range of visible light, as well as an excellent yellowing resistance.

In addition, the WEPESIL silicone casting resin VT 3602 KK is highly weather and UV resistant, besides its very high elastic and tear resistant properties.

An optimum mixing ratio of 1:1 parts by volume or weight ensures a simple processing of this product. The WEPESIL casting resin VT 3602 KK is addition cross linking, thus avoiding the separation of substances in the curing phase.

Lackwerke Peters GmbH + Co KG, P.O. Box 10 05 20, 47882 Kempen, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 21 52 20 09 - 0, Fax +49 (0) 21 52 20 09 – 70
Visit us at SMT Hybrid Packaging, booth 9-317!
