Technologies | Light Simulation | Nov 14, 2017

Lighting Technology with Dynamic GI by Brilliant Games

Brilliant Games has presented a new lighting system that will be used for the studio’s upcoming titles. The thing is that the technology is said to instantly calculate GI, providing outstanding results.

A tech demo showcasing Brilliant Games next generation lighting technology for upcoming titles. Global illumination is calculated on the fly with beautiful and lightning fast results. Most lighting in games now days is still baked, which means its statically painted onto a scene. This process can take hours to days to process. This solution is instant and fully dynamic.

Both Unreal and Unity engines still use baked global illumination and the process behind GI might take hours. The solution from Brilliant Games is said to solve this problem with the help of fully dynamic system.

One question remaining, though. What is the cost of dynamic GI? How does it affect performance?

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