Trends | Videos | May 17, 2021

Good Light for Healthy, Daytime-Active People – Good Light Group

People need daylight to synchronize their circadian clock, or indoor lighting that mimics the positive aspects of daylight. We call this good light. Good Light is Attractive: Good Light indoors is high quality and comfortable for the eyes. Good Light is Dynamic: Good Light indoors is stimulating during the day with an intensity that is at least 5x higher and relaxing during the evening with an intensity that is at least 5x lower, than the current standard for vision.

View the lecture here!

The Good Light Group, together with the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR), the Daylight Academy (DLA), the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD), and Luger Research (LR), organized and presented the “Good Light – Good Life” lectures. The webinar explained how good light indoors contributes to health and well-being. This webinar took place as part of UNESCO’s International Day of Light 2021 event.

People need daylight to synchronize their circadian clock, or indoor lighting that mimics the positive aspects of daylight. We call this good light. Good Light is Attractive: Good Light indoors is high quality and comfortable for the eyes. Good Light is Dynamic: Good Light indoors is stimulating during the day with an intensity that is at least 5x higher and relaxing during the evening with an intensity that is at least 5x lower, than the current standard for vision. Good Light is Optimized: Good Light indoors has spectral characteristics that vary according to time of day, personal needs, and specific tasks. Good Light is Personal: Good Light indoors can be adapted by the user for personal needs based on suggestions by the system. The Good Light Group has launched a lighting guide for healthy people with daytime activity. This presentation explains what to keep in mind to design Good Light.

Annette Steinbusch is Standards & Regulations manager at Signify, driving light quality topics and human-centric lighting. She is also active in LightingEurope, the Global Lighting Association, the Good Light Group and board member of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE). Annette has over 25 years of experience in the areas of supply chain management, business improvement, sustainability, and standards & regulations. She holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management Science from the Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands.


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