IP, Reports & Roadmaps | Jul 28, 2010

DOE Releases Report on FAA Demonstration of LED Walkway Lighting

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently released a September 2008 report, Energy Savings Estimates of Light Emitting Diodes in Niche Lighting Applications. Today DOE published an Errata to the report regarding the refrigerated display case energy savings estimates. Specifically, the installed base of refrigerated display case fluorescent lighting systems in the U.S. was given in linear feet of display cases instead of, as labeled in the September report, the number of refrigerated display cases. This correction impacts calculations throughout the report.

Mistakes do happen, but it is important to correct these errors as quickly as possible. The Errata and an updated October 2008 report are available for download at www.netl.doe.gov/ssl.

Updated Report

